Thursday, July 14, 2011


A midnight appointment
To see the horcri found and vanquished;
A celebration of the Harry Potter Brotherhood and
Hermione sisterhood
And many others in between,
having rarely seen a shopping complex
so brimming with anticipation

I, armed with paper take-away
Mocha, sugar and caffeine
Entered the breech
Ready for an assortment
Of dragons, beasts and the big V

For who doesn't enjoy Darth Vader
at a loss,
The un-nameable, named,
Smashed to smithereens

Still, my 13 year old, Harry Potter wise,
seeing beyond the black/white dichotomy,
observed, despite the ultimate victory,
won in the ruins of Hogwarts,
Of the final stand of Voldemort,
Calling for support over the 'dead' body
of HP,

...why couldn't Draco, white hair nonetheless,
Have refused the invitation
Of familial voices
having been touched by something stronger,
Than family or allegiance?

Still, having applauded,
At the kiss of Ron/Hermione,
Laughed at the desperation in V,
Whose name has lost it's power,
we were finally amused by the 19 year aging
Of our heroes,
and the new generation, setting off
hopeful, and in fulfillment of,
a future, of chocolate frogs and
And much more,
yet to be imagined.

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